
The Dean Griffin Hip Pocket Fund provides 0% interest short-term loans to students experiencing financial emergencies. Students can borrow up to $1000 and have up to 14 weeks to repay the loan. (In some cases, the loan can be converted to a grant, depending on circumstances. However, most students do not need this and do not ask for it. The loan program has an approximately 95% payback rate.)

Financial emergencies may include:

  • Unforeseen academic expenses (additional textbooks, lab equipment, etc.)
  • Automotive repair
  • Emergency travel expenses
  • Unplanned medical expenses

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list – each request for a Hip Pocket Loan is carefully considered. Please note that Hip Pocket Loans are for urgent crises only; we cannot help with long-term financial difficulties (e.g. loss of financial aid).

You can request a Hip Pocket Loan by submitting an Office of the Dean of Students Assistance Request (below).